マイケルのコミック屋の窓ガラスがブロックで割られちゃった。マイケルはレイジのJTとのホモ結婚を扱った号のディスプレーが気に入らない奴らがやったと決めつけ。まあ多分そうなんだろうけど証拠ないしねといつもの刑事さんの冷静な対応.. それからというもの、マイケルの微妙なビビリ。ま、しかたない。
テッドがユダヤ人の集まりに出かけってっていい人みつけるんだけど、いざセックスする段階になって、お前ユダヤ教信者ちゃうやんけ〜 てなわけテッドが信者じゃないことがバレてお別れ。あそこを見て宗教がわかるってのもすごいもんです。103にも出てきましたが、要は割礼という宗教儀式なんですね。はぁ。このドラマ、結構ユダヤ教ネタが出てきますが、なんででしょう?? (29-Nov-06)
The gang continues to campaign against Proposition 14, going door-to-door to drum up support … with mixed results. When a brick shatters a front window of Michael’s comic book store, Detective Horvath says there’s no evidence of a hate crime. But Michael remains convinced that the vandalism was a direct response to the huge window display for the Rage and J.T. marriage issue of his and Justin’s comic book. Fearful of more property destruction by homophobes, Michael removes an anti-Proposition 14 sign from the lawn in front of his and Ben’s new house. Later, he puts it back, vowing not to give in to hate and fear.
At the Emerging Artists Show that Lindsay has organized, a bitchy art critic from "Art Forum" compliments Justin on his work, but Justin is rude to him. Justin interrogates and insults the much younger man, Tuck, who escorts Jennifer to the event. Brian tries to break the silence with Michael by apologizing, but Michael says that it’s time to end their lifelong friendship once and for all since they no longer have anything in common. Lindsay is gracious when Melanie arrives at the event with her date.
Lindsay and Melanie’s in-house separation makes Lindsay miserable, but her suggestion that they sell the house and go their separate ways infuriates Melanie. A heated argument erupts, complete with smashing glassware, unleashing months of pent-up emotions. They wind up having rough, passionate sex together.
Jennifer is angry about the questions that Justin asked Tuck at the art show. Justin feels that his mother should be dating someone closer to her own age. She reminds him about what she went through with him and Brian. She admits that it was hard for her to accept their relationship at first, but she came to realize that Justin loved Brian and that Brian was good to Justin - and that’s all that counts. Now, she says, it’s time for Justin to reciprocate.
While being interviewed by the Channel 5 news team’s sportscaster, Drew Boyd admits to being gay. The incredulous reporter, a former teammate, says he cannot imagine Drew kissing a man like the "Queer Guy". Drew states that Emmett has been very influential in helping him figuring out who he is as a man and a person. Drew kisses Emmett while still on the air, and as a result Drew is suspended from the team, and Emmett loses his job at the station.
Meanwhile, Ted complains to Melanie that something is missing from his life despite the fact that he is having more sex than ever before. Melanie suggests that maybe he wants to settle down and find a husband as Michael has. Her suggestion that he find a nice Jewish guy sends Ted to a get-together for Jewish gays at Woody’s, where he meets Adam Bernstein, a tall, attractive urologist. They get along well and arrange a first date. The date goes so well that the two are about to have sex until Adam discovers that Ted is not Jewish. Only interested in finding a Jewish husband, Adam leaves.
Song // Artist // Scene
Love Is For Hire // The Telepathic Butterflies // Diner - Brian and Mikey Still Aren't Speaking
Sender // Pinback // Justin's Loft - Justin and Jen
// // Brian's Loft - Brian and Deb
Blue Water // Black Rock feat Debra Andrew // Woody's - Gay Jewish Mixer
Kernraft 400 // Zombie Nation // Emmett & Drew - Get It On
// // Diner - Justin and Jen
Sacred Stones // Sheila Chandra // Babylon - Brian Dreams
Tunes Of Nirvana // Dimas & Ferrero // Babylon - Brian and Ted
Genius And Thieves // Eluvium // End Credits