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ホテルにベネフィットの会場の使用を断わられる.. ホテルのマネージャーの言葉.. 仕事失いたくない..
労働者の正直な気持ちでしょう。仕事、そして収入源を失う恐怖から仕事をしている.. やだね。
ブライアンが自分の広告代理店を立ち上げたり、マイケルが自分の店を持ったり、エメットがパーティープランニングのビジネスを持ってたり.. その前にはテッドがゲイポルノウエブサイトをやったりとか、雇われじゃない自分のビジネスをやろうっていうメッセージはすごくあると思う。労働者、被雇用者に自由は無いんだよ.. 独立して自由になれって。

ホテルに会場使用を断られて、他探すんだけど見つからない.. バビロンでやりゃ〜いいじゃんなんだけど、マイケルがブライアンにお願いするのを躊躇してる.. そういうマイケルが苛つく!! ブライアンは会場使用料すら取る気無いのに、マイケルったら足下見てぼったくらないでみたく言ったり。マイケル馬鹿?

バビロンで爆破があって、オーストラリアへ行く途中だったブライアンは戻ってくる。マイケルが出血多量で輸血が必要だと知ると、真っ先に献血を申出るけど、ゲイだという理由で病院に断られる。(つか、そんなもんなの?) 熱くなるブライアン.. それより、癌でしょあんた..


The brazenness of a small motorcade of Proposition 14 supporters on Liberty Avenue enrages Michael, Ben, Melanie, Debbie, Justin and Jennifer. The influence of the proponents of the antigay initiative causes a hotel to cancel the Gay and Lesbian Center’s Stop Prop14 Benefit at the last minute. Unable to find an alternate venue, Ben and Michael realize that Babylon is their only option. When Michael finally works up the nerve to ask Brian to let the fund-raiser take place at the club, he is pleasantly surprised when Brian offers Babylon for free, rather than the $10,000 that the hotel was planning to charge. Brian plans to leave for Mardi Gras in Australia to avoid the benefit.

While pundits on sports talk shows debate Drew Boyd’s future as a football player, Brown Athletics informs Brian’s agency that it wants the gay athlete replaced with a straight one in its advertising. Emmett later berates Brian for firing Drew without putting up any resistance with the client, a $20 million account for Kinnetik.

Meanwhile, in his quest to find a husband, Ted meets Lewis, a homebody who fears crowds after being trampled at a Partridge Family concert in the ‘70s. Ted asks Lewis to be his date for the benefit, and Lewis, although initially hesitant, accepts Ted’s offer. After Melanie suggests to Lindsay that their recent lovemaking episode was a mistake, Lindsay proceeds with plans to sell the house, enlisting Jennifer Taylor as their realtor.

At the benefit, Emmett introduces Cyndi Lauper, who performs on a small stage. Debbie is not present because her replacement at the diner is late for work. Perpetually late Lindsay delays her and Melanie’s arrival. Then, just before entering Babylon, Melanie returns to her car to retrieve her cell phone. These hitches save Debbie, Melanie and Lindsay from experiencing first-hand the horrible explosion that rocks the club before Cyndi Lauper finishes her song.

On his way to the airport, Brian hears about the bombing over the radio. He immediately heads for the club. In the chaos outside, he finds survivor Jennifer, who implores him to find Justin. Brian finds Ted inside and asks if he has seen Justin; he hasn’t. Brian looks up, sees Justin through the smoke, goes to him and embraces him.

Everyone wonders where Michael is. When he is found, he is unconscious. At the hospital, a doctor says Michael has lost a lot of blood, and it is unclear whether he will survive.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Drew, who refused to attend the benefit, shows up at the club to comfort Emmett. Ted’s date runs screaming from the site. Melanie and Lindsay return home to Gus and Jenny Rebecca, and Melanie invites Lindsay to share her bed.

Brian tells Justin he loves him and how terrified he was when he heard the news about the explosion. Brian says, "I love you" again.

Song // Artist // Scene
Falling // Paper Moon // Diner - Deb and Justin
So Many Times(Deep T. Sans Serif Mix) // Gadjo feat Alexandra Prince // Diner - Ted's Meet and Greet
One Day (Superstar) - (Robeter House Mix) // Mach 747 (feat Andersen) // Gym - Em and Brian
Lover I Don't Have to Love // Bright Eyes // Liberty Ave - Brian stares at Justin from his car
// // Diner - Ben and Michael
// // Babylon - Fundraiser
Shine (Babylon Mix) // Cyndi Lauper // Babylon - Cindi's Concert







2005年07月17日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


