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Justin discovers that Brian has been training in secret for the Liberty Ride. Brett Keller, the director who wants to bring “Rage” to the screen, tells Justin to come to Hollywood for a pitch meeting scheduled for the first day of the ride; but Justin refuses to miss participating in the cycling event with Brian. Brian claims that he simply isn’t strong enough to complete the grueling Toronto-to-Pittsburgh ride and drops out of the charity event, freeing Justin to go to Hollywood.

After overhearing other cyclists’ plans for drug-fueled parties during the ride, Ted, lacking confidence in his newfound sobriety, also drops out. Ted gives Emmett a cheque for $5,000 to repay him for replacing the money that Ted took from baby Gus’ college fund to buy drugs. Emmett signs up for the ride to provide support for Ted during the event, and Ted agrees to go.

Before Michael leaves for the Liberty Ride, Carl Horvath asks his permission to marry Debbie. With Michael’s blessing, Carl tries to propose to Debbie, but he’s constantly interrupted. Finally, as the bus to Toronto pulls away, Carl bellows his proposal to Debbie, who’s going along to feed the riders during the event. She makes the driver stop the bus and, tearfully, accepts Carl’s proposal, as he slips an engagement ring on her finger.

During the bus ride to Toronto, where gay marriage is legal, Ben proposes to Michael, who does not respond immediately. Michael confides in Brian, who has arrived to take part in the ride after all. Brian is contemptuous of the whole notion of gay marriage, telling Michael that gays don’t need to have their relationships sanctioned by straight society. But Michael argues that gays should have all the rights that others have if there is to be true equality. In the end, Michael accepts Ben’s proposal, and, with Brian, Ted, Emmett, Debbie and Hunter in attendance, Michael and Ben get married.

Meanwhile, seeing no end to the constant tension and arguing at home, Lindsay suggests that she and Mel separate. After Melanie agrees, Lindsay says she will stay until Melanie’s baby is born.

Song // Artist // Scene
Cue the Pulse to Begin // The Burnside Project // New Opening Song
// // Justin Follow's Brian In Street
White Lightning // The Premiums // Gym - Justin helps Brian visualize his goal.
White Lightning // The Premiums // Spin Class - Guys work out.
Bliss // Syntax // Loft - Justin packs for Liberty Ride.
Don't Stop Movin' // Livin' Joy // Liberty Ride Send Off
Hello? Is This Thing On? // Chk Chk Chk // Keller's Home - Justin arrives at party.
Hollywood // Paranoid Jack // Church Street - Gang compares to Liberty Ave.
Solid Gold // Dan Sampson // Moosie's - Gay Ja Vu
Male Stripper // Man 2 Man Meet Parrish // Moosie's - Stripper
I Love I Love // Georgie Porgie // Moosie's - Michael says "I Do" to Ben.
Fantastic Day // Haircut 100 // Wedding - Michael and Ben Celebrate.
Fantastic Day // Haircut 100 // Liberty Ride Start
Fantastic Day // Haircut 100 // End Credits







2004年07月11日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


