At a firing range, Cody teaches Justin how to shoot a gun. Daphne pleads with Brian to stop Justin’s descent into violence, but he tells her Justin stubbornly refuses to listen. Cody takes Justin to the construction site where Chris Hobbs, the young man who savagely attacked Justin after their prom, works. After taking no action against Hobbs, Justin is berated by Cody. Later, Cody and Justin go to Hobbs’ house, where Justin makes Chris get down on his knees and apologize for the beating. Justin further humiliates Hobbs by making him take the gun barrel in his mouth. But when Justin fails to pull the trigger, Cody hurls anti-gay epithets at him, and Justin calmly walks away.
Ben has written a book, which Michael found boring to read. Michael tries to avoid telling Ben what he really thinks of the book, but Ben prevails on him to be honest. Stung by Michael’s criticism, Ben disparages Michael’s education and literary taste. Later, when Ben’s intended publisher rejects the manuscript for the same reasons voiced by Michael, Ben apologizes.
Debbie presses Vic for an invitation to his and Rodney’s new apartment. Vic tells her that the place is not ready for guests yet, but that she will be the first. Dropping by uninvited with a housewarming gift, she finds a dinner party in progress. Crushed, she refuses Vic’s offer to stay and makes a hasty exit.
Meanwhile, lonely Emmett visits equally lonely Debbie, and the two wind up watching an old movie and eating ice cream together. Melanie puts aside her anger to lend assistance to the legal case that was taken away from her. And Ted, happily employed at Kinnetik, seems like his old self.
Song // Artist // Scene
Cue the Pulse to Begin // The Burnside Project // New Opening Song
// // Ben and Michael @ Diner
// // Justin, Cody and Daphney
Beautiful Day // Mellowdrone // Michael @ Comic Book Store
Strobe's Nanafushi // Kodo // Gladiator Dance / Babylon
// // Deb show up at Vic's dinner party.
7 Minutes // Circlesquare // Daphney talks to Brian / Justin looking at target.
7 Minutes // Circlesquare // End Credits