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At a boxing gym, where Cody shows the Pink Posse how to fight, the other members, except Justin, walk out after realizing that Cody has abandoned the group’s original protective mission and now actively promotes violence. Once again, Cody and Justin go beyond the environs of Liberty Avenue in search of prospective homophobes. After provoking a hetero couple to make anti-gay comments, a brawl erupts. When the straight guy pulls out a knife in self-defense, Cody brandishes a gun at the man’s head. Later, Justin is relieved to learn that the weapon was not loaded.

Michael tries to limit visits by Debbie, who is at loose ends since Uncle Vic moved out. Michael frets about the impending arrival of a social worker to check on Hunter, but when the woman appears, Michael is engaged in a screaming argument with his mother. However, the social worker is able to see beyond the shouting and recognize the love that exists within Hunter’s foster family.

Meanwhile, Emmett finds living at Melanie and Lindsay’s house, where he has been staying since moving out of the place he shared with Ted, frustrating. Melanie is upset when she is removed from a case as a tactical move by her law firm after a homophobic judge replaces a sympathetic one. And Brian hires Ted as Kinnetik’s accountant.

Song // Artist // Scene
Cue the Pulse to Begin // The Burnside Project // New Opening Song
In The Bath // Lemon Jelly // Loft - Brian & Justin Wrestling
Scream // Ima Robot // Woody's - Brian & Michael Playing Pool
I Wanna Be Loved By You // Marilyn Monroe/Some Like It Hot // Deb, Michael, Hunter & Ben Watching A Movie
La Donna e Mobile // Rigoletto // Restaurant - Ted The Singing Waiter
Rockstar (Jason Nevins Remix) // N.E.R.D. // Justin & Cody Outside The Straight Club
You Come In Burned // The Dandy Warhols // Justin & Cody In Alley - End Credits







2004年05月09日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


