シーズン1最高傑作!! ジャスティン大芝居の巻。
ブライアンがキップに嘘のセクハラで訴えられてるのを知ったジャスティン、バビロンからキップの後をつけて.. 上手に誘ってやった後で、17歳だもんね〜あんた捕まっちゃうよ〜みたく。捕まりたくなかったら.. ねってブライアンの件取下げさせることに成功しちゃうわけです。ジャスティン、ブライアンへの愛です。
ブライアン、キップがなんで訴訟取下げたか分からないまま.. ジャスティン明日で18歳。誕生日プレゼント何欲しい? なんて.. ジャスティン、キップにしたこと言わないまま.. 大人な会話だ。(16Nov06)
While Brian is asked to take a vacation while the sexual harassment suit with Kip is settled, he turns to Melanie for legal representation. Justin sees Kip at Woody’s bar and seduces him, then informs Kip he has broken the law by having sexual relations with a minor. Justin makes a deal with Kip that he will not press criminal charges, if Kip drops the lawsuit against Brian.
Michael lies to David to spend time with an upset Brian. David discovers Michael’s deception when he sees Michael at a bar with Brian. Brian later confronts David about trying to remove Brian from Michael’s life. David realizes that he must trust Michael.
Desperate to become straight, Emmett sleeps with a woman. Ted and Michael go to a “see the light” meeting to let Emmett know they support him. In a last effort, Ted tells Emmett that God doesn’t make mistakes and that Emmett is the way God wants him to be. Emmett decides Ted is right, he doesn’t want to be straight; he is gay and he's happy that way.
Song // Artist // Scene
Do The Hustle // Van McCoy // Vic & Deb Doing The Hustle
Just Because You Love Me // Brian & Michael // Brian & Mikey Remember
Viva L'Amour // Tess // Boys at Woody's
Tonight, I Celebrate My Love For You // Peabo Bryson/Roberta Flack // Emmett/Heather visualizing
Future // Halo Varga // Justin hits on Kip in Alley
Future // Halo Varga // Justin blackmails Kip
A Fifth Of Beethoven // Walter Murphy // Michael/Dr. David "dance"
Do Ya Feel The Love // Love Inc. // Babylon - Ted & Mel discuss Emmett
Shake Me // Mint Royale // Babylon - guys dancing / End Credits