With Michael out of his life, Brian is lonely. Desperate for friends, Brian starts visiting more with Melanie, Lindsay, Justin and Ted. While Ted is at first hesitant about going to bars with Brian, he soon discovers the benefits when he starts having sex with the men Brian rejects. Seeing how unhappy both Michael and Brian are, Justin decides he must bring them back together. After trying to convince Brian to apologize, Justin talks to Michael and tells him how lonely and depressed Brian is. He explains Brian’s actions at the party were so Michael and David could be together. When Michael seeks Brian out at Babylon, they pretend as if nothing ever happened.
Emmett resolves to keep his promise to not have sex with men. A depressed Emmett meets a man in a gay bar that says he can help. The man belongs to the “find the light” organization that helps gays live a heterosexual life. After questioning his sexuality, Emmett decides to join the group.
Melanie feels excluded from the family and is upset with Lindsay. She feels Brian has excluded her from the family, by refusing to give Melanie custody of Gus. She pushes Lindsay to see a couples’ counsellor. But Lindsay refuses saying that there isn’t a need. She explains that Melanie expects too much from her, and Lindsay can't give her constant attention.
Song // Artist // Scene
Funky Dancer // Velvet // Woody's - Brian & Ted
Disconnected Child // Tin Star // Michael & Dave in Bedroom / Brian in Alley
Egyptian Magician // Armand Van Helden // Ted picks up "2nds"/ Matt approaches Emmett
Feel Like Singing // Sandy B // Diner - Justin tries to play middle man
Mambo Jambo // Mambo // Ice Cream Kisses / Justin is on to Brian
Samba // House Of Gypsies // Babylon - Transitions