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警官によるゲイの少年殺害をもみ消したStockwellを市長選で落選させようと、私財を10万ドルをを使ってキャンペーンやるわけ。ほらまたいい人。結局Stockwellが落選して、街に自由が戻るって感じで、 New Order の True Faith っていう曲が流れるんだけど、これが最高。はまりです。LIBERTYcafeでの研修第1回目の特番で見るのをこれにしたのもそういう理由。


Vowing to bring down Police Chief Stockwell on the eve of the mayoral election, Brian sells his home furnishings to pay $100,000 for a television ad exposing the candidate’s connection to the murder of Jason Kemp by Stockwell’s former partner, Ken Rikert. The political commercial spurs a large last-minute turnout of gay voters, and Stockwell goes down in defeat.

Hunter’s mother, Rita, tracks down Ben and Michael to tell them she wants her son, whom she calls Jimmy, to live with her. Ben and Michael agree to return Hunter to Rita until he tells them that his mother forced him into prostitution to supplement her income. After Ben and Michael decide to fight for custody of Hunter, Michael flees with the teen when Rita arrives with cops to reclaim Hunter. Brian lets Michael borrow the Corvette to take Hunter away to safety.

Ted appears at Melanie and Lindsay’s house to plead with Emmett to take him back. Emmett refuses, but feels guilty. At another drug orgy, Ted passes out and is gang-raped by Doctor Mark and others, who videotape their escapades. After regaining consciousness, Ted is appalled. He realizes he has hit bottom and checks into rehab, where he encounters his former addict boyfriend, Blake (recurring guest star DEAN ARMSTRONG), who is now a drug counselor.

Due to her mother’s miscarriage of a child near the end of the first trimester, Melanie is superstitious about an early gift from Lindsay for their unborn child. But when Melanie passes the first trimester milestone, her fear gives way to joy.

Song // Artist // Scene
Feeling Good // Muse // Opening scene/Cops on Liberty Ave.
// // Woody’s/Before Brian’s Ad against Stockwell
Sweet Sweet 69 // The Comas // Mel and Linds having sex
Tight (Thick Dick Vocal Mix) // INXS // Babylon/Brian and Emmett dancing
Marine Machines // Amon Tobin // Ted wakes up to see a porn of himself
Where Do I Begin // Chemical Brothers w/Beth Orton // Ted checks into rehab
True Faith (The Morning Sun Extended Remix) // New Order // Celebration/End Credits







2003年06月22日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


