Despite his initial reluctance, Michael relents and gives an apartment key to Hunter. Michael and Ben return home to find Hunter having sex for money with an older man. At a makeshift shrine in the diner, Hunter recognizes a picture of Jason Kemp, the young gay man whose dead body Debbie had previously found in a Dumpster. Hunter claims he saw Kemp leave a hustler bar with a cop on the night of his murder. Debbie confronts Detective Horvath with the news, but he is unwilling to help, forcing Debbie to appeal to Brian.
At the hustler bar, Hunter points out the cop to Brian, who has a conversation with the officer. Later Brian meets with Horvath, who tells Brian that more evidence, such as a sample of the policeman’s DNA, would be needed to proceed. Brian and Justin concoct a dangerous plan for Justin to pretend to be a male prostitute, seduce the killer cop and collect the necessary DNA. As a professional, Hunter demands to play Justin’s part in the scheme. When Brian and Justin refuse to allow him to participate, Hunter ignores them and leaves the bar with the suspected killer. That night, Hunter fails to return to Ben and Michael’s apartment by his midnight curfew.
When Melanie and Lindsay visit Emmett to inform him that the missing $5,000 has mysteriously reappeared in Gus’s trust fund, Emmett breaks down and admits that he has not heard from Ted in days. Unshaven and disheveled, Ted finally returns from his trip to Palm Springs and promises to make things right with Emmett, as well as Melanie and Lindsay. Ted makes a formal apology to the women, but Melanie’s reluctance to fully accept it prompts some ugly name-calling, during which Melanie informs Emmett that Ted is still using drugs. Later, Ted proves Melanie’s assertion correct when he produces a tiny vial of white powder, takes a snort of it and offers some to a hesitant Emmett, who ultimately succumbs.
Song // Artist // Scene
Baby's Got A Temper (Main Mix) // Prodigy // Babylon/Backroom closed again
Queen of the Night Aria // Mozart // Emmett cleaning windows
I'm Afraid of Britney Spears // Live On Release // Comic book store/Brian meets Hunter
// // Woody’s/Mikey, Emmett and then Ted talk
Santa Maria(Del Buen Ayre) // Gotan Project // Brian’s loft/”Party”
// // Hunter on the street
SmallTown Boy/Run Away // Bronski Beat's // Bar/Brian talks to cop
Queen of the Night Aria // Mozart // Ted and Emmett drinking wine
Future Proof // Massive Attack // Bar/Brian & Justin/ Michael & Ben worry/Hunter picks up Cop/End Credits