With polls indicating a close mayoral race, Brian urges Police Chief Stockwell to court additional voters by making an appearance at the Gay and Lesbian Center. There Justin, Jennifer, Melanie, Lindsay and Debbie confront Stockwell on the issue of police indifference to gay victims of crime. Seething after what he brands an “ambush,” Stockwell remembers seeing Justin at Vanguard, the advertising agency where Brian works. Stockwell tells Brian’s boss, Gardner Vance (recurring guest star CARLO ROTA), that he believes someone on his campaign team is secretly working against him. Vance accompanies Stockwell to Brian’s loft, where they find Brian and Justin - along with Justin’s latest anti-Stockwell poster. Gardner has no choice but to fire Brian.
At Melanie and Lindsay’s request, Ted agrees to manage Gus’ college trust fund. Ted lies to Emmett about joining Michael and Ben for a drink at Woody’s and meets up with one of his Paradise Motel orgy partners (recurring guest star VINCENT GALE) instead. Ted smokes crack cocaine, engages in another group-sex session and goes to Palm Springs, California, for the annual White Party without telling Emmett. Emmett’s anxiety over Ted’s whereabouts intensifies when he learns that $5,000 - all the money in Gus’ college fund - has been withdrawn.
Informed of his HIV-positive status by Ben, an angry Hunter spurns Ben’s offer of help, but the teen hustler later accepts an invitation to stay temporarily at Ben and Michael’s apartment.
Song // Artist // Scene
// // Ted, Em & Vic at home/Ted wants to go out
Love's Gonna Save The Day // Georgie Porgie // Woody's
Bangin’ On // Johnny Marr & the Healers // Brian and Justin at the loft, talk about the new Stockwell poster
Ready To Go // Republica // Brian and Justin having sex at the loft
The One You Wanted // Howie Beck // Brian and Debbie getting high
At The End (Scumfrog Remix) // Iio // Babylon/Emmett and Michael look for Ted
Battleflag // Lofidelity All Stars // Babylon/Brian takes back the backroom/End Credits