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When Michael rejects a man explaining he’s in a monogamous relationship, the guy nonchalantly explains Michael’s relationship will change. Later, when Brian is at the Bath’s, he sees David sexually involved with a guy. Even though Brian decides not to tell Michael, David confesses. Michael is unable to understand why he isn’t enough for David. Brian explains it is nearly impossible for men to be monogamous. Seeking revenge, Michael calls the guy he met at Babylon. While Michael realizes Brian is right, he is currently only interested in David.

Ted sees Blake, the guy who almost killed him with a drug overdose, at Babylon. While Blake is still interested in Ted, Ted ignores a very drugged out Blake. Ted finds Blake unconscious on the bathroom floor and takes him to the hospital. Ted offers to take Blake home while he recuperates. When Ted loses his wallet, he blames Blake and asks him to leave. Ted later finds his wallet at Emmett’s.

After being accepted to Dartmouth University, Justin decides he would rather go to the Pittsburgh Institute of Fine Arts. When he tells his mother, she says his father will be upset and that she cannot help the situation because they are getting divorced. Convinced he is the cause, Justin decides to give up art and go to Dartmouth. But he soon discovers he cannot deny his dream.

Song // Artist // Scene
I Wanna Be A Cowboy Boys // Don't Cry // Boys at Babylon
The Worst Thing For Me // Pusaka // Prowlers In Towels
Keep Rushin' // Mindtrap feat. Louise Clark // Babylon Bathroom - Ted finds Blake
Horny // Mousse T vs Hot N Juicy // Bath House
Ah Forse Lui // from La Traviatta // Ted's Apt
Ah Forse Lui // from La Traviatta // Ted Can't Find Wallet
Forever Young // Temperance // Babylon - Justin & Brian
Kind Of Magic // Queen // Justin Draws / End Credits







2001年04月22日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


