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メル&リンズがカナダへ引越すってことで、マイケルとブライアンに承認を取りにくるんだけど、ブライアンはガスを置いてけって言う。いまさらぁ.. ブライアンのこのキャラの変化はなんなんでしょう? 人は変わるっていうか老いてくって.. このへんの人間っぽさ。ブライアンも普通のいい人なんね。突っ張ってるブライアンは微妙だけど、こういうブライアン、いい人でしょ。

不必要に束縛しないことの大切さ.. そういうメッセージだと思う。(16Nov06)

Everyone is stunned to receive an invitation to Brian and Justin’s wedding, which Emmett is planning. Initially upset, Michael, changes his mind after Ben reveals that, in the emergency room after the bombing, Brian tried to donate blood to Michael, only to be rejected as a donor, as all gay men are. Michael visits Justin and Brian’s new house to personally congratulate the couple and accept the invitation.

Justin hand delivers an invitation to his mother, Jennifer. She is happy for her son, and the two reconcile, with Justin telling her to bring anyone she wants - meaning Tucker - as her escort. Lindsay tells Justin that, as a result of a highly complimentary article in Art Forum, there is great demand for Justin’s work. She cannot comprehend Justin’s indifference to the publicity, which most artists spend their entire lives trying to achieve. She urges him to make the most of this opportunity and move to New York, the center of the world art scene. But Justin has no intention of leaving Brian to go to New York.

Melanie and Lindsay want to move to Canada because they feel that the United States is no longer a place where they feel safe, respected and free to live as gay people. They meet with Brian and Michael to obtain their blessing to take Gus and Jenny Rebecca out of the country. Michael tells the women to take Jenny Rebecca wherever they think she will be safe. Brian tells them that they are free to leave town, but Gus must stay. Melanie explodes with anger at Brian’s sudden interest in being a father, but Brian informs her that he does not want to teach his son the lesson of not standing up to a bully.

Later, in a quiet conversation alone with Lindsay, Brian confides that he wants another chance to be a father to Gus. He fears Gus will forget him if Melanie and Lindsay move to Toronto. Brian also says that he will miss his Lindsay. Lindsay reassures him that she will never let Gus forget Brian and that she will not disappear from his life. Lindsay shows Brian the Art Forum article, which Justin had not even mentioned to Brian.

Debbie is a tough boss on Hunter, who has taken a dishwasher/janitor job at the diner. By driving him hard, she hopes to convince him to go back to school, where he’ll earn a diploma and be qualified for something better than the demeaning work he’s doing at the diner. But it is Drew Boyd, back playing football to rescue his losing team, who inspires Hunter to return to school when the teen sees the athlete publicly reprimand his teammates for their derisive homophobia.

Ted meets someone, Tad, at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. He tells the gang that he thinks Tad is Mr Right and is excited for all of them to meet at the birthday bash he’s throwing for himself next week at a fancy restaurant. As Ted’s birthday present, Tad makes a reservation at a ski resort for an entire weekend, beginning the night of Ted’s birthday celebration. When Ted points out the scheduling conflict, Tad tells Ted that he took the liberty of canceling Ted’s restaurant reservation. Ted is somewhat taken aback, but gives in to Tad’s enticing offer of the most romantic weekend of his life.

Meanwhile, Emmett realizes that newly out-of-the closet Drew must be free to experience other men, and so they part as friends.

Song // Artist // Scene
I Only Want You // Eagles Of Death Metal // Brian's Loft - Brian & Justin's Fuck-a-Thon
Summer Moon // African All Stars // Woody's - Em, Ted and Tad meet up
Dance Me To The End of Love // Madeleine Peyroux // Restaurant - Ted & Tad love each other
Honestly, Trudy // Femme Generation // Comic Book Store - Brian and Mikey talk about their kids
All The Rest Are Boring // The Local Division // Justin's Loft - Justin and Lindsay talk about NYC and Art Review
Free (Jason Nevins Dub) // Ultra Nate // Popperz - Em & Drew / Ted & Tad
Just Nothing // Dan Kircher // Woody's - Em & Drew Say goodbye
This Mess We're In // Radiohead featuring PJ Harvey // Brian's Loft - Brian & Justin read art review
This Mess We're In // Radiohead featuring PJ Harvey // End Credits







2005年07月31日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


