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マイケルとジャスティンの共作コミック、レイジでヒーローのレイジとJT(今気付いたんだけど、これってジャスティン・テーラーのこと? もしかして..) が結婚するわけさ。ジャスティン、これが現実になればなんて願ってみる訳だけど.. 果たして.. とにかく、コミックはヒットなのね。

ハンターが学校にもマイケルとベンの家にも居所を見出せなくて結局出て行くことに。ベンはストリートにいるんじゃないかってハンターを探し続けるんだけど.. ハスラーの一人から温かいとこへ行ったと聞かされて.. 言っちゃいますけど、ディズニーワールド行ってます、ハンター君。いいよね、いいよね、温かいとこいいよね。みんなディズニーワールドでハッピーだね。(14-Dec-06)

In Babylon’s backroom, Brian pursues a hot blond, Brandon (recurring guest star RYAN SCOTT GREENE), who rejects his advances. Seeing the blond again in a restaurant, Brian follows him into the restroom, where Brian’s heavy cruising earns only a disdainful look. At a sex party, a hot guy is about to service Brian when the blond appears, immediately stealing away Brian’s would-be sex partner. Brian’s confidence in himself as Pittsburgh’s hottest gay man is shaken.

In Justin and Michael’s comic book, Rage and J.T. get married on the planet “Massachupiter”. The issue is a huge success and sells out its initial run, generating orders for 300 more copies. Justin had hoped that life might imitate art for Brian and himself, but Michael warns him never to expect that from Brian.

Ben discovers that Hunter has been lying about participating in the school’s debate team when he goes to hear a debate and learns from Callie that Hunter has not been in school for a week. Ben and Michael angrily disagree over how to handle the situation. Hunter decides that he doesn’t belong in school or with Ben and Michael, and so he leaves. Before he goes, Ben gives him some money. Hunter returns his house key to Ben. At the last minute, Michael also gives Hunter money.

At the gym, Ted encounters Troy (recurring guest star LEE RUMOHR), a hot hunk who had pity sex with him at the 2002 Pride Celebration. But this time he finds Ted attractive and asks if he wants to get together. Ted sees an opportunity to avenge his past humiliation, but when the moment comes, Ted opts for more sex with Troy instead.

At a department store publicity appearance, “Queer Guy” Emmett is surrounded by adoring fans, who find him “cute”. Brian calls him a clown, another in a long line of non-threatening, non-sexual gay eunuchs, because that’s the only way mainstream society wants to see homosexuals. When Emmett tries to change this by talking about his briefs - and what’s in them - during his “Queer Guy” TV spot, Magruder threatens to fire him if he ever does anything similar again.

Meanwhile, after seeing five doctors to no avail, an ailing Debbie learns from Melanie what her problem is: BFM. She’s bored out of her f***ing mind. After discussing the situation with Carl, Debbie returns to work at Liberty Diner.

Song // Artist // Scene
The Look (D. Ramirez Mix) // Steve Angello // Babylon - Ted gives his weekly fuck list / Who's That?
The Look (D. Ramirez Mix) // Steve Angello // Babylon Backroom - Brian Gets Rejected
Can't Stop This Feeling // Saint Pete // Gym - Ted Remembers Being The PRIDE Pitty-Fuck
// // Mall - Em Greets His Fans
More And More (Chus & Ceballos Mix) // Astrid Suryanto & Dave Micalizzi // Woody's - Brian and Justin / What's Your Problem?
Love Is All We Need (Hott 22 Remix) // Richard Grey featuring Golden Touch // Gym - Ted Hooks Up w/Troy
My Beautiful Friend // Charlatans UK // Restaurant Bathroom - Brian and New Guy/Brandon
Intravenus Spiral // Atomic Cyanide // Diner - Deb Takes Control
Satisfaction // Benny Benassi // Fucking Party - Brian Gets Left For A Better Offer
Misfit // Elefant // Comic Bookstore - Justin and Michael
Going Nowhere // Cut Copy // End Credits







2005年06月19日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


