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会計事務所で働いてるテッドが、仕事中にゲイポルノのサイトを見ているところを上司に見つかってクビになるんだけど、最後の足掻きっぽくクビを取り消してもらおうと思って上司(Mr. Wertshafter)のオフィスに行ったときの会話..

Mr. Wertshafter: Are you happy being an accountant?
Ted: Happy?
Mr. Wertshafter: Does balancing the books makes your heart beat faster?
Ted: No, sir, not really.
Mr.Wertshafter: Then I'm doing you a favor. Find something you have a passion for. Otherwise, you're just jerking yourself off.

会計士してて幸せ? 帳尻合わせしてドキドキする? んじゃないんならクビにするのはお前のためだから.. 次は何か情熱を持ってできるような仕事みつけな。


マイケルはBig Qで前のマネージャーの仕事に戻りたいとか思うんだけど、そうはうまくはいきません。前は部下だったアンドリューがマネージャーになってて、アシスタントマネージャーだったら空いてるよって言うわけ。マイケル君、それでもしかたなく以前は部下だったマイケルの部下として働くことにします。でもイジメに耐えられず辞めちゃう.. それで自分の店を持つことになるんです。

自由よ! 独立よ! まぁ、2人とも独立してそこそこうまく行くんですが、ここでコマーシャル。

↑↑仕事辞めて起業する前に一度読むのもよろしいかと.. ↑↑
あの、金持ち父さん 貧乏父さんの著者、ロバート キヨサキが書いた Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job っていう本です。 (1-Dec-06)


Justin has recurring nightmares about his attacker, Chris Hobbs. When Brian refuses to let Justin into his apartment, Justin realizes his mother is responsible and confronts her in a rage. Jennifer, Justin’s mom, visits Brian and asks him to take her son. Justin moves in with Brian, but even with Brian, Justin has difficulty with physical contact . . . at first.

Meanwhile, Michael does nothing but party since returning from Portland. He and Emmett work as waiters at a private dinner for older gay men and are stunned to learn that their uniform consists of nothing but a bow tie and a cummerbund. Michael tries to reclaim his job as manager of the Big Q Mart, but must settle for assistant manager. Ted loses his accounting job when he is caught viewing hardcore gay pornography on the Internet at work. When Ted tells his boss that he thinks his termination is unfair, Ted’s employer suggests that Ted find a career that engages his passion.

Baby Gus celebrates his first birthday, and at his party, a little girl asks Melanie if she and Lindsay are married. Later, after reconsidering her previous position on marriage, Melanie gets down on one knee and proposes to Lindsay.

Song // Artist // Scene
Nightmare // Paul Inston // Justin's nightmare
Beautiful // Mandalay (Victor Calderone's After Hour Mix) // The boys at Babylon
Nightmare // Paul Inston // Justin arrives at Brian's loft
Stick // 79 Stickman // Boys at Gym
Deathrow or Heathrow // The Dears // Justin and Brian in the Jeep
On the Strip // 480 East // Michael & Emmett as naked waiters
Feel the Rhythm // Smokin Joe // Brian talks to a shrink @ Woody's
Faded // SoulDecision // Brian, Justin & Daphane talk about dance at prom
Save the Last Dance for Me // Ben E. King and The Drifters // Brian & Justin Re-Enact dance at prom
De Cara a la // Pared Lhasa // Lindsay says yes to Melanie
Svefn-g-englar // Sigur Ros // Brian and Justin Make Love / End Credits







2002年01月13日 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


